Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Christmas Showcase 2009

Every year, before the Christmas break, Hailey's dance and gymnastics classes put on a little showcase so the parents can see what they've been learning. This year Hailey's ballet/tap class is very small, by that I mean, it's pretty much her and her cousin Kira. There is another girl in the class, but she's not there very often. The girls have a great time together, and Hailey looks forward to class every week. I'm not sure if it's because of dancing or because she gets to see Kira.Stretching at the bar The girls did a little "reindeer" number to the Manheim Steamrollers "Rudolf the Red Nose Reindeer."
The Elf and the reindeer

Practicing "shuffle-ball-step"

Snowflake fairy
Spreading her joy

The girls picking out their tu-tu's, wings and crowns

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