School started first for the boys. The second week in August is when they went back. We went from sleeping in to waking up at 6:30 am to make the bus. Eventhough they were sad that summer was over, they were all excited to wear their new clothes and to see their friends again. Braxton's teacher this year is Ms. Lee. She is a young, single teacher, which I was a bit worried about. Last time he had a young teacher, I was constantly meeting with her about Braxton. She didn't have much patience for him. But so far so good.

The girls didn't start school until Labor Day week. They were really excited to go back to preschool. They laid their clothes out the night before and were up late chattering about their big day. Hailey's teacher is Ms. Nancy. We call her "Fancy Nancy". Gabby is in her class, along with two other kids that are also in her primary class, which is almost unheard of out here.
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