Another Halloween, come and gone....thank goodness. We had so many Halloween partie's this week, I am very Halloweened out. We started off the week with our ward Trunk or treat. It was a rainy cold day, so they ended up having it in the building. Everyone picked a classroom and set up their decorations in the doorway.
Hailey and Gabby at the trunk or treat. I couldn't keep Braxton still long enough to get his picture.
Halloween night was spent at the Crosby's. Mike's Mom and stepdad came down for a visit, and Ryan and Kerri flew out to surprise Cheryl for her birthday, so we all crashed Mike and Kristines home. The Maddox's came too, so it was a house full. The kids had a great time, very excited about trick or treating. Braxton, However had a very high fever and didnt fell very well. Being the good sport he is, he still walked around with everyone, he just didn't trick or treat. Braxton was a mobster and Hailey was a flapper girl.
Brady started out as Eyore, but ended up looking like one of our neighbors out here in the backwoods.

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