We have had the wettest fall I've ever experienced here in the south. It seems like it's been raining constantly here. I normally love to wake up to cloudy days in the fall, but when it's day after day, it get's really old. The past fews days have been rainy and cold, shocker, so when I woke up this morning to blue skies, it just seemed extra pretty today. I looked out our back window and saw this one really low cloud hanging out in the trees, in the woods, behind our house, I had to capture the moment. This may not seem very pretty to most, but when all you see is gray and gloom, anything different seems amazing.

Hailey is in a stage, along with her friend Gabby, where make-up, nails and hair are their favorite toys. They both have vanities in their room and will spend hours in there doing themselves up. A lot of the time they look pretty scary....black eyes, nail polish all over their fingers and toes, and hair that looks like they just got out of the shower or bed. But to them, they look like rock stars. Gabby just celebrated her 5th birthday, and received these feather eyelashes, so she and Hailey had to try them out.
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