Wednesday, September 03, 2008

First day of preschool

Hailey just started preschool this week. I was a little nervous about her going, after the "meet the teacher" open house we went to. Hailey was not very nice to the kids or her teacher. She clung to my legs and if anyone tried to talk to her, she'd yell "NO!" and shove her face into my thy. So I didn't know what to expect when I dropped her off on her first day.
They didn't allow the parents to bring them into the class. We just dropped them off at the car pool line and the teachers took them into class. When we pulled up and the teacher opened the door, Hailey said "Bye Momma and Dadda" and jumped out of the car.

When I picked her up, she talked non-stop about her day. She loved it! I'm sure it helped that her buddy Gabby is in her class. But she's excited to go back, so that's a good thing.

1 comment:

Stacy said...

Haley yelling "NO" at people....that doesn't sound like her!!