Sunday, April 20, 2008

Downtown Disney

Ok, let's discuss the topic of "Disney World". For those of us who have grown up in the west and have visited Disney "land", this concept is kind of hard to pick up. The fact that Disney World isn't just the Disney theme park, that it's made up of several different attractions. That the "Magic Kingdom" is the Disney theme park, that is the sister to Disney Land. I can't bring myself to call it Magic Kingdom so I just call it Disney Land. Anyway, now that I've bored all of you, with my highly, intelligent observation.....I'll continue.....while we were at Disney "world" we went to Downtown Disney....which is a big shopping area, with Disney shops and other expensive stores. There was a big Lego store and outside the store they had created large creatures along the sidewalk entirely out of legos. There was a Transformer, a dinosaur and a sea creature, just to name a few. There was also a Princess store, that Hailey went crazy over.
We had been at the beach earlier in the day, so the kids were tired and cranky! Hailey was beside herself and cried over everything, until she saw the princess store. I have never seen her so excited.Us at Downtown Disney. You can see that Hailey isn't a happy camper.Oh, but look, there's princess Aurora, beckoning Hailey into the store....she was all smiles here. Hailey and Seth with Buzz lightyear.

Braxton and the Lego sea creatures.


Stacy said...

I am jealous!!!!I am dying to go to Disneyland again...the real one.

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