Well, this was the last preschool Christmas program I will have to attend, for Hailey. She did a great job, singing all of the songs and doing the actions. It was fun to see her up there having a good time. The best part was to watch the little boy behind her pull faces and goof off.

If Hailey didn't know the words, she'd still move her mouth, like she was singing.

Last year Hailey and her class were supposed to black, which wasn't very exciting for her. But this year, they were supposed to wear their "best". She picked out a fancy church dress, and was very excited to wear it.

Miss Nancy and the kids playing a game at the class party.

Gabby and Hailey. I never understood why they invited the parents to the class parties, just so we could stand around awkwardly and watch the kids eat.
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