I can't believe that my little baby is 5 already! Time really does go by too fast! It just seems like yesterday I was coming home from the hospital with her. After having only 1 boy for almost 5 years, it was a change to have a little girl. While Braxton was mischievious, and couldn't sit down for more than a minute, Haileys more calm and loves to sit and color and play quietly. She loves to help me with household chores, and with Nicoles baby, Spencer. She is very loving and loves affection, where I'm not really that way, it's been good for me to learn that it's important to show that more often, to my kids and family. She loves to laugh and has a very loud giggle, she idolizes her brother and loves to snuggle with Mike, and to my surprise is very much a mamma's girl, eventhough she is more like her dad. She loves for me to do her hair and paint her nails. One of our favorite things to do together is to sit on my bed and color in her coloring books. She doesn't like to see anyone upset, but isn't afraid to stick up for herself. She is truelly a blessing to our family and we don't know what we'd do without her. I can't believe she will be starting all day kindergarten next fall.
Our gift to hailey was this vanity. She loves to sit and play with her hair and play dress-up. This year she's been talking about having a party at Chuck-e-cheese. I gave her a choice, a party or I would take her to get her ears pierced....she chose the party. CRAZY! So I guess we'll be headed to Chuck-e-cheese soon.
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