Mike's mom just celebrated her 60th birthday, and for her gift she wanted the family to join her down in Cabo. I have to admit that I was hesitant to go, with the swine flu going around, all that we had going on here at home, having a new puppy, and taking Braxton out of school, I just seemed like the wrong time to go, but I am so glad we went. Have you ever gone on vacation and not realized how much you needed it until you were a couple of days into it? That was me.
The weather was beautiful, not too hot, but warm enough to play in the ocean. The kids had a blast spending time with Aunts, Uncle, Grandparents and cousins they don't get to see very often. Our week was filled with swimming at the pool, playing on the beach, whale watching, jetskiing, snorkeling and good old fashioned relaxation.
I've never been to Mexico (other than on a cruise) so I didn't quite know what to expect. When we drove from the airport to our resort I was a bit concerned because of how run down everything was, it is definately a poor country. But as soon as we hit Cabo San Lucas it was like an oasis in the desert. Beautiful resorts with fancy landscaping, lined the beaches. There was even a Walmart and Costco near by. It doesn't get more at home than that.
I am really grateful that we had the opportunity to go. Thank you Dave and Cheryl!
We stayed at the Hacienda Del Mar. The resort was amazing! The backside was lined with several swimming pools, hot tubs and infinity pools.
Hailey enjoying the pool, getting ready to swim to Mike.
Taylor, Ryan, Braxton, Dayton, Mike and Hailey relaxing in the infinity pool, looking for whales. The Whales were so close you could see them come up out of the water.
Braxton, Taylor, Mike and Hailey
Taylor and Hailey were best buds on the trip. Taylor slept at our condo just about everynight. Taylor was kind enough to give Hailey swimming and "manner" lessons. One afternoon, Hailey and I were at the pool and she wanted to swim off without her arm floaties on. When I told her no, she reminded me that Taylor (who is 6) taught her how to swim, so she could do it just fine.
Mike and I at Chaleno Beach
There was some awesome snorkeling at Chaleno Beach. Braxton has only snorkeled in Florida, where there isn't much to see, so he was pretty excited to so many different types of fish.

Mike and Braxton snorkeling.
We also found a lot of sea glass on the beach.
Cheryl requested that one night we go and take family pictures on the beach, so after about an hour and a half of driving around to find the perfect place we ended right back at a beach close to our resort.
Cheryl bought Hailey and Taylor matching dresses for the pictures. As soon as we got there Hailey and Taylor ran straight for the water, and of course, Haileys dress got wet. She was very upset!

Braxton, Taylor and Hailey
Another infinity pool.
One of our excursions we took a boat out to the Arch at the tip of the Baja peninsula. There were a cluster of rocks covered with sea lions basking in the sun.
One morning Braxton and I made a trek out to the beach to meet Kerrie to take some sunrise photos.
Braxton, Taylor and Hailey

So long Mexico, back to the real world.....