Wednesday, August 06, 2008

The good Ole days!

My sister, Stacy did a post a little while ago about she and her friend Dawn and posted some pictures of her college years and today. So when I got these pictures from our trip to Utah, I went and compared my pictures from my days at Utah State along with the recent pictures.
Me, and my roommates, Jodi ( we shared a room) Karen and Jeana. This was taken the fall of 1994.There were many nights up in Logan where we had to entertain ourselves. I have no idea what we were doing, but I'm sure it was fun! Why I'm the only one that looks like an indian.....heaven only knows. Jeana, Karen and me. (Jodi lives in Ohio) We are able to get together at least twice a year and catch up. And we are still pretty good friends.
All four of us decided to join the LDS sorority. We were accepted into the Xi Eta chapter. Which our career as sorority sisters didn't last for very long. I found it kind of silly, and I was just happy I got my free sweatshirt, so after a couple of months we quit. Anyway, we were selected to do the Spring Fashion show for the Lambda Delts..... This is Karen and I.....yes we look scary!
Karen and I have stayed very close over the years. Which is amazing considering I live in Georgia and she lives in Utah.


michael said...

Nice pictures. Looks like you enjoyed those college years. The indian thing is kind of weird. Maybe thats when pocahontus came out and you really liked that movie?

Kathryn said...

Yeah, not sure.....things got pretty slow up in Logan.

2 More Minutes said...

OH MY GOSH! Where in the world did you dig up those photos? Between the four of us we always seemed to come up with something fun to occupy ourselves with besides studying. ha ha. Thanks for the funny memories.
Halloween is coming up and maybe it's time to recreate the indian look. Although who needs Halloween to to put a little war paint on. :) -Kar

Jodi said...
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Jodi said...

This is my 3rd try at leaving a comment, my computer keeps shuting down. Crazy. I love the pic, here are some other great moments:
-Karen breaking the window
-Jeana jogging in place in her room
-Kathryn licking all the suckers and putting the wrappers back on
-painting the hallway
-going for late night walks with the body alarm and see a very "happy" guy
-Dave blowing chunks all over the bathroom
-drawing art on the neighbors window with lipstick
Okay I am going to stop there because the computer hasn't turned off yet. Thanks for the memories girls. Jodi