My brother, Jarom and his wife, Liina, just moved from Utah out to Charleston, SC. After graduating from Medical school he is now doing his residency in Neurology at MUSC (I always get the university wrong) Anyway, we were able to make a quick trip down there to visit and to see a little of the town. It was a quick trip, but we were able to hit the beach for a few hours. The little kids had a blast playing in the sand and waves. We also did some sight seeing and took a tour of the city. I love architecture and the history of the buildings and old homes was really interesting. It was a lot of fun and I can't wait to go back for a longer visit.
Hailey and her cousin Kira on the beach.
Mike (my brother in law), Braxton, Mike, Hailey (asleep) Kristine, Noah and Brady in the stroller, Liina with Honele (sp?) and Jarom.
1 comment:
It is so good to be able to keep up with families thru blogs, it looks like you guys are having fun out there. Our blog is if you would like to see what is going on with our family.
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