We did it! We made it to and from Utah, in the car, without killing eachother! It was a long trip, (about 32 hours and we do it in two days) but a good time. Nicole Sampson and myself, along with our six kids traveled out to Utah to visit our families for a couple of weeks, and with airline prices being so high we decided to drive, although with gas prices being so high I don't know how much $ we saved. But it's always an interesting experience, one that I hope the kids won't forget. There were no earth shattering events along the way, other than Zach Sampson figuring out (the hard way) that he can't play is DS and drive on windy roads at the same time. He threw up for about 2 hours......and one of the sacks he threw up in had a hole in the bottom of it.....not pretty!
The "road crew"...Nicole, Me, Braxton, Parker, Zach

Max, Gabby and Hailey
I had put together little "activity purses" for the girls to keep them entertained. And thought that putting in princess stamps along with a pad of paper for them to stamp on would be fun for them....well, they thought it would be more fun to take the stamp pad and wipe it all over their hands and arms.
Braxton, Parker and Zach at a stopoff in Tennessee (notice everyone is still happy)
The drive back home is always the longest...everyone is tired and done with the car. The first day went pretty smoothly, there were some scuffles here and there, but nothing major. The second day, tempers were high and everyone was cranky. After taking away all game boys and DS's we had to turn off the movie and when that didn't work we gave everyone Dramamine....and this is the result. Peace and quiet.

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