Part of the plan to go up to DC, was to also go up to Palmyra, NY and see some of the church sites up there. Along the way, we were going to stop at Hershey Park for a day. However, after driving to and from Utah, and then up to Virginia, I'd had enough in the car. We'd already bought our tickets for the park, so we decided to go up for the day. Hershey is about 2 1/2 hrs away from Mike's, mom's, so not too far. The park turned out to be a lot bigger than we had anticipated. There were a ton of rides, big roller coasters, and a lot of little rides for Hailey to go on.
Braxton and Hailey on the hot air balloon ride.
Hailey and Aunt Kerri on the spaceships
Aunt Kerri and Hailey
Braxton and I
This is my favorite picture....Hailey wanted Mike to ride on the Frogger with her....I am surprised they let him on the ride.
Look closely at Mikes belly....tight squeeze.
It was hilarious watching him on the ride. The platform would just bounce up and down.
In a previous blog, I posted a picture of Mike, Braxton and Kerri on a ride...this is the ride. It was called "Storm Runner".
Braxton and Cheryl after we'd gone on the "wet" ride. I can't remember the name of it. But dumb us pick our last ride of the day to be one that SOAKS you! We all had to ride in the car soaking wet....well Kerri and Hailey didn't.
Hailey had seen little girls with their faces painted at the park, and had begged all day to have her's painted "like a princess". I had put it off all day, but while we were on the wet roller coaster her Aunt Kerri had her face painted. She loved it so much she wouldn't let me wash her face the next day and walked around with smeared face paint.

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