Another Mother's day come and gone. It was a great day. Mike, made me ableschievers (sp?) for breakfast and for dinner my sister Kristine and her husband Mike came over and we had pasta salad, turkey sandwiches (with Mike Crosby's yummy rolls) and fruit. Braxton made a yellow cake that we topped with whip cream and strawberries. Doesn't get much better than that. As a mother's day gift we went out and bought a childrens playground for our backyard. Now the trick is, will it be put together before the summer is over.......

Mike, super excited to be making dinner!

So, if you can't be with your mom on mother's day, what's the next best thing?.....your sister of course. I don't think I've mentioned this, but my sister, Kristine and her family moved out here in December. It's been fun to have family close by. Now, my brother and his wife will be moving down to Charleston, SC at the end of the month. I went 9 years without having any family close by, now I'll have almost half of my family here.
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