Lastnight we had Hailey's first performance. We had rough start to the evening, due to the fact that I had to wake her up to get her ready to go. She was soooo grouchy and then she found out that she had to wear her black leotard and not her pink one. She just fell apart. I finally got her to stop crying by offering to put make-up on her. That made her happy for about 5 minutes and then she remembered she was wearing black.........and the entire night went like that.
Hailey's class just did a little showcase of what they had learned this past year. It was cute, but not too exciting. She is now old enough to do ballet and tap so that will be fun.

Hailey remembering she's still in the black leotard.

They wouldn't let anyone use flash photography, so the picture didn't turn out very well. But this is Hailey doing her tricks on the ballance beam.

Showing her medal, still perplexed over the black leotard.....My favorite is the white underware you can see..:)

Hailey and her cousin Kira, very proud of their medals. (Kira is only 2 months older than Hailey)
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