Wednesday, November 28, 2007

There's no place like "home" for the holidays!

This year we were able to go out to Utah for Thanksgiving. It's been 4 years, since I've been out there for any holiday. I've been avoiding it ever since the Thanksgiving I became deathly ill with the stomach flu, which put me in bed for our entire visit. But we decided to chance it and go. Which I am happy to report absolutely no sickness, with anyone. (Thank you "Airborne") I think that is probably my "Christmas miracle" this year. Braxton and Hailey had a great time with their cousins, and their buddy McKenzie. Braxton didn't want to come home, which is a first for him.
Grandma and Grandpa Hanson with some of the Grandkids.

Braxton, Zach and Spencer at Temple Square.

Temple Square

Mike, Hailey and Braxton. Hailey was in heaven, with all of the "princess" lights.

Braxton with cousins at Thanksgiving dinner.

Braxton, Grandma Hanson and Hailey putting up the Christmas tree.

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