Monday, August 20, 2007

Moving in

Well, we've been in the house for almost a month now and we are just about done unpacking. A week after we moved in I made the trek, across the country out to Utah to visit family and friends for a couple of weeks. It was nice to relax and not think about the mess I had left in Georgia, but all things come to an end and we had to return. So it was back to unpacking.

As you can see, some of our furniture, well doesn't really match, so we will slowly but surely be replacing it. As for the kids, they are adjusting. Braxton hasn't quite met anyone in the neighborhood, but has made some friends at school. Hailey tells me EVERYDAY, she wants to go "home". I have to remind her that she is home.

These two rooms are pretty much the only two that are fully unpacked. The kitchen and Keeping room.

I haven't quite decided on what to do with the kids rooms, so I bought some vinyl stickers to go on their walls so they aren't so bare. Hailey of course had to have all princess stickers. When I put up the castle she was so excited and said......"how beautiful!"


Kristine said...

Your house looks great, Kath! We'll take the furniture :)

k8rri said...

mooooore pictures please!