Monday, April 24, 2006


Well, Easter came and went! Braxton had forgotten all about the Easter Bunny this year, which we should have used to our advantage, but we reminded him, Saturday night, that the "big bad bunny" does come and leaves a basket for the good boys and girls. Sunday morning he woke up and saw the "treasures" left on the fireplace. He came in our room and announced that the bunny had been here and had in fact left him a basket full of "stuff"! Hailey on the other had could have cared less. She loved carrying the plastic eggs around and eating the candy. Here it is almost two weeks past Easter and we are still finding the eggs around the house that Hailey has hidden. (Mostly under our feet.) Just whent I think we've thrown them all away, another one will appear in our bed??
We spent the morning getting ready for church and were all excited to wear our new Easter clothes. After a rushed morning we all made it to church, but not for long. We took the sacrament, but I was in a lot of pain, with the kidney stones, so we ended up going home. That afternoon, when the pain medicine had kicked in, we layed in bed and watched the Ten Commandments. During this Mike asked Braxton what he thought Easter was all about. He sat there and thought for a minute. Having talked to him myself about this, earlier in the week, I thought for sure he'd say "Jesus", so I'm waiting for that proud moment we all do when we want our children to say some profound, spiritual comment. Braxton's eyes lit up and he says CANDY!

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