Spring Break was once again spent down in West Palm, Florida. We always love going down there. It's warm, sunny and the beaches are beautiful. Grandma Cheryl and Grandpa Dave were unable to go down this year, so we met up with our friends the Maddox's. We had a great time relaxing and playing on the beach. I still had my "morning sickness" which kind of put a damper on things, but it was still very enjoyable.

Braxton starting to build a sandcastle

Hailey enjoying her candy

Braxton and Mike

Mike worked on his sand castle for about an hour. Which became a hill of sand with a moat around it. There were jelly fish all over the beach, so he thought it would be funny to put one on top of the sandcastle to "guard" it. Well, hailey ended up touching the jelly fish and was stung, Dads......

Two of the days, we took a ferry out to "peanut Island". When the tide goes out you can walk out a ways to a large sand bar and find all kinds of sea creatures. Braxton would collect them and then make a little aquarium, to he could observe them.

Hailey and I on the ferry on our way back to the main land.

Braxton in the ferry

Mike Braxton and Hailey on the sand bar.....Mike is lounging on a beach chair and the kids are exploring.

We did a little bit of snorkeling while we were there....there isn't really much to see, but Mike did find this tiny octopus. It was about half the size of my hand and as you can see the color of sand, so how he found it, beats me.
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