The week before Halloween Mike's mom and step-dad came down for a visit. I'd had a pretty rough week, the week before, and Mike was playing with idea of getting me a puppy to cheer me up. As soon as he mentioned it to his mom there was no turning back, we were all on line looking trying to find the right one. Mike found an ad for a litter of yellow labs in the paper, so we loaded up in the car and headed about an hour away to see the puppies. There were 7 of them, and they were all so sweet, making it hard to pick one. I did spot one puppy, that was pretty shy, but calm. She cautiously came up to me and sat herself down on my lap, while the other puppies were running around like crazy. That made my decision a lot easier. The kids named her Ellie, an abreviation of Ellsworth. We brought her home and were totally unprepared to have a new puppy. She slept in the baby pak-n-play until we were able to get a crate. She's been a really good puppy. Everyone keeps telling me that Labs like to chew, and to be careful. However, the only thing she's really gotten a hold of is garbage off the floor. She loves wrappers, and paper. She's never chewed anything else, other than her toys. She can be really playful and then just collapse on the floor and sleep for hours.
Ellie at 3 months

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