Thursday, May 28, 2009


The second stop was London. It was a lot different than Ireland, which you wouldn't think because they are so close, but they are. It just seemed two steps ahead of Dublin. We were able to tour the city the first couple of days we were there, which the architecture was so beautiful, you could spend a month trying to see everything and not see it all. The third day we were there we went up to Bath, Windsor Castle and Stone Henge. It was fun to see the countryside. I am a Jane Austen fan, thanks to my mom and in all of her books she talks about Bath, and how it was the place to be if you had money. So I've always been curious as to what it looked like. Stone Henge was exactly how I thought it would be, looks just like all of the pictures. Hyde Park, which is London's equivalent of Central Park.
Buckingham Palace

Big Ben

Some of the architecture...I could have stood and just stared at all of the buildings.

There were statues of all of the past kings and queens, they were really pretty cool.

More architecture, and a statue of Queen Victoria, there were a lot of her.

Windsor Castle. I can't remember the town it's in, but it was about 2 hours outside of London. This is one of the 5 castles that Queen Elizabeth lives in, and is actually her favorite castle. We were able to tour a part of it and it was awesome! Unfortunately we couldnt take pictures. The queen was actually there while we were.

This is the Queens apartment.

Changing of the guard

Another view of the castle, along with the church that Prince Charles and Princess Diana were married in.

This is where Bath get's it's name. There were Roman bath houses that were discovered, that were buried for years.

This was a Roman steam room. They built a floor ontop of the stacks of stone

A street in Bath

Stone Henge

My favorite picture.

We also visited the train station that was in the Harry Potter book. Mike on platform 9 and 3 quarters.

The train station

The end of our trip

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