Unfortunately, last week we were faced with the decision of putting Saga to sleep. She'd really been going down hill the past few months, not eating, loosing a lot of her hair, not being able to walk very well, not being able to hear or see very well and she'd become very very skinny. We put it off for as long as we could, but came to the conclusion that we were just being selfish, and it was her time to go. I've never had to make this decision before, and it was very hard. You don't realize how much an animal can become a part of your family until a situation like this occurs. She was a really good dog and we all loved her, but we know that she's much happier wherever she is.
(this picture was taken a few months ago, when I was trying to figure out something on the camera. Seeing what she looks like here and remembering what she looked like when we took her to the vet, reconfirms that we made the right decision.)
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