Monday, February 23, 2009
Photo Shoot
The little girls and I had a little photo shoot at home last week. It was rainy and cold outside so we were stuck in the house, and I thought it would be fun to have them dress up for pictures. They were really excited about it. It was cloudy outside, which made for perfect lighting conditions. Here are some of my favorites...
(this picture was taken a few months ago, when I was trying to figure out something on the camera. Seeing what she looks like here and remembering what she looked like when we took her to the vet, reconfirms that we made the right decision.)
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Braxton's 9!
I am now the mother of a nine year old. There is nothing that makes you feel older, then when your kids grow up. And they grow so fast! He's becoming such a loving, helpful, smart young man.
The week before his birthday, I was asking him what he wanted to do for his birthday, hoping that he wouldn't say he wanted a party. To my surprise he said that he just wanted to be home with his family and closest friends. So, we met up with the Crosby's, Maddox's and the Sampsons at the Golden Coral.
Braxton and his two best bud's, Jake and Zach.
Braxton getting ready to blow out the candle on his birthday cupcake.
Teddy Bear Parade
Hailey's preschool, comes up with some of the silliest things for the kids to do....and the worst part is it's always parents participation. I have been to Hailey's preschool more this year, than the entire two years that Braxton was in preschool. But the kids enjoy it, and Hailey is always excited when Mike and I come and watch. Just before Valentines day they had a "teddy bear parade". The kids decorated a shoe box, like a float, and put their favorite bear in it to pull around. They also were able to wear their pajamas to school that day. It was pretty painful to watch kids pull around shoe box's for 30 minutes and then sing songs about bears. But it's all for the kids right? Some of the boxes the kids brought were amazing! You could tell that the parents had put a lot into the creation of the "float". Hailey and Gabby's boxes were pretty simple, I just covered the entire thing in glitter, so they sparkled. They LOVED them!
Hailey and Gabby with their floats, you can't tell, but they really sparkled.
Hailey pulling her float.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
The Princess and the Diva
Hailey and Gabby have been "kindred spirits" since the day they met, which was when they were babies. They've always enjoyed being together. Whether its playing dress-up, putting on make-up or riding their bikes, you can always hear them joking and laughing. Since Gabby's family has moved in with us they are inseperable. They share a bedroom and pretty much everything else. It will be a sad day when the Sampsons move out.
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