Another birthday come and gone! I never thought I'd dread getting older, but it just seems that each year brings more challenges, as far as the breakdown of my body. I can remember my older sister telling me on my 30th birthday, that things start to change once you turn the big 3 0. I just kind of brushed it off, but oh my gosh, it's true. I never would have thought that I would wake up every morning, stiff on every part of my body, and when I walk down the stairs my ankles, knees...HIPS would crack all the way down! I'm only 33 for crying out loud. But I guess so goes life. So instead of focusing on the negatives I made a list of all of the things I'm grateful for....Mike, being a good provider, working hard so he would have a good stable job, being a worthy priesthood holder, fulfilling his calling to the best of his ablility, his way of trying to make me feel better when I'm stressed, being a great dad to our kids, being a hard worker! loving me when I'm not so easy to love.... Braxton, trying hard at school, being kind to his sister, helping out when I'm sick, having a great sense of humor, being kind and giving to everyone. Hailey, being loving, always wanting to help me out around the house, asking me if I'm ok when she sees I'm sad. Having a wonderful extended family, having parents and inlaws who love me and my family. Having awesome friends who are there when we need them. And most of all having a relationship with my Heavenly Father and my brother Jesus Christ, knowing that eventhough I feel like it sometimes, I am never alone.
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