I'm sure many of heard of the "phenomonon" called the Elf on the Shelf. It's a story about one of Santa's elves that comes to your home and watches you to make sure you are being nice and not naughty...he then goes to report to Santa about your behavior every night. The book comes with an actual elf that you put on your shelf, and every morning he's moved to a new spot. The catch is you can't touch him or he won't come back the next day. Braxton and Hailey have had so much fun trying to find the Elf. I have to admit that there are times the elf has "forgotten" to move and Braxton is very disappointed that he's in the same spot. Anyway, Mike has decided to get in on the fun and started to hide the elf. And this is what we found this morning...........

The fan is running and the elf is flying around. Mike is quite proud of himself.
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