Easter was a beautiful, sunny day! Only one problem, the temp was a record LOW! It was soooo cold. You didn't even want to leave the house. I went back and forth about whether or not to have the kids wear their Easter clothes, since Hailey's dress was a sleeveless sundress. But I decided to just have her wear a sweater and call it good. Mike's Dad and Step-Mom came down for the weekend, so we had fun spending time with them. I think Braxton wore them out on the board, and card games. (Sound familiar Mom?)
Saturday night, Mike, his dad and stepmom and I were up late watching a movie, so when Mike and I were on our way up to bed, I luckily remembered that we needed to set everything up for the kids. It took us about 30 min to get everything ready. Whew, that was a close one!
When Braxton and Hailey woke up Sunday morning, they found that the Easter Bunny had left them some Easter Baskets and had hidden a bunch of eggs to find. They had a lot of fun finding them and we all had fun eating the candy. After church we had a yummy dinner with Honey Baked Ham, (my favorite) funeral potatoes, rolls and broccoli salad. Even though the weather was "winter-like", it was still a great day.
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