Monday, September 06, 2010
Summer break ends to quickly!
Another school year has begun. And this year, I am an empty nester until the baby comes in October. It's actually been kind of lonely to be here alone all day, but I know that it's not for long. Braxton is in 5th grade, his last year in elementary school and Hailey started Kindergarten (out here it's all day). Braxton is always indifferent when school starts up again. He's not excited and he's not dreading it, Hailey on the other hand was very excited to wear her new clothes. She had no idea what she was in store for......school starts at 7:40 am, so the bus comes at 6:43 am and Hailey is not a morning person. It's been a struggle for both of us to get her off, a lot of tears and frustration, but she hasn't been late yet.

Lake Murray
The day after we returned from Utah, we repacked and headed out to Lake Murray, South Carolina. Mikes sister, Kerri and stepmom were able to join us. It was so relaxing to hang out at the pool, boat and do absolutely nothing! A great end to the summer break.
Braxton and Ellie getting ready to jump off the dock.
Her first time swimming and she once she got in it was hard to keep her out.

Sunday, September 05, 2010
Well, we finally made it back to Utah. After lastyears cancelation, due to health issues, we were very excited to be able to go out there and visit family. While we were out there my family had reunion and most of my family was able to be there, minus Jarom, Liina, Mark and Abe. The kids had so much fun spending time with their cousins. We were also able to see Mike's Mom and Stepdad, who live out there part time now, Mike's sister, Traci and our friends The Colemans. There is always a sense of returning home when we go out there.

Boating this year has been kind of a bummer for me. There's not much you can do when your 6-7 months pregnant, other than swim around the boat. But it was fun to see Braxton's progression with his wakeboarding. It seems like he went from getting up to jumping the wake overnight. Oh to be young again!
Braxton doin his stuff.
While Jarom and Liina were here we were able to go out on the boat a couple of times. Jarom and Mike Crosby getting ready to tube......
I don't know who has more fun, those out on the tube or Mike trying to make them crash...

Independance Day
4th of July, Mike's favorite holiday. This year was no different than past years....food, friends, family and fireworks. We made the trip up to South Carolina to pick fireworks for Mike's show. It's sickening how much money Mike puts out for this, year after year. It's so funny how excited he becomes, it's like a kid at Christmas.
Jarom, Liina and Hannele were able to get away from their busy lives in South Carolina and come up for the weekend and witness the show. We had our good friends, the Maddox's my sister Kristine and her family join us as well. It was a lot of fun for the kids as well as the adults. Only one mishap this year, when a firework tipped over just before igniting and shooting at a neighbors car.....................it just wouldn't be the same if some kind of close call didn't occur.
Jarom showing his American spirit and his cougar allegiance.
This is my favorite picture....Mike helping Noah shoot off a roman candle.....it almost looks like a small cannon going off.
This is another good picture....yes, it's still light outside. The kids had been pestering all night to do sparkler, so Mike gave in and let them do some of them. In the picture is Mike Maddox, who is very cautious about things, so he made the kids line up with their sparklers and wouldn't let them move for fear they would either burn themselves or someone else, it was pretty funny.

Visitors from the West....
Well, miracle of miracles.....my sister Stacy and her family finally came out to the South to visit. I've lived in Georgia for 11 years now and Stacy has never been able to come out and see where I live, so we were excited that they were able to come. Being pregnant, I was worried that I wasn't going to be the best hostess, but hopefully they had a good time. We were able to tube down the Chattahoochee, do some boating (until the boat brokedown) and even make a trip out to Charleston, to visit Jarom and Liina. Braxton and Hailey had so much fun spending time with all of their cousins. All in all it was a fun filled week.
Hanging out at the beach in SC
Zach, Anna, Amanda, Braxton, Kayla and Hailey
A little shark, a fisherman caught in the harbor.
Hailey and Amanda boogie boarding.

We were also able to have another one of my sister's, Kerry and her daughter, Elsa come out and visit for a week. Kristine's son, Noah was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at the beginning of the summer, and Kerry, being the sweet sister she is, wanted to come out and try to alleviate some of the stress and chaos for her. Between all of that, we were able to do some fun things; lots of time at the pool, boating (Kerry even got up on the wake board), and stone mountain. I realize that we live on the other side of the country from most of my family and that it's not so easy to come out here, so we appreciate and enjoy the times when they can.
Scout Camp
Every summer is started off with Scout camp. Braxton looks forward to this week filled with sports, crafts and scouting activities and just hanging out with his buddies. When I first put him in scout camp the person in charge accidentally put him in a den a year ahead, so he's always been with the older boys and because of that, this year was his last year. He was sad, but ready to move on. I am just happy I don't have to go to another closing program of cheesey songs and super long skits.
Brax in all his garb.
Getting his awards.
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