Well, I figure I'm far enough along to where I can share the news that finally, after three long years of trying, we are pregnant with #3! We are all very excited to welcome this new little member of our family when he or she arrives. I am due October 19th, but will have the baby 7 days earlier by scheduled c-section.
Getting pregnant has never been easy for me, as it took 2 years to do so with Braxton and about 3 with Hailey. So I had succomed to the fact that we weren't going to have a big family, even though I always wanted one. We tried for about a year to no avail, and so I figured that #3 just wasn't meant to be. I had a boy and a girl and we were happy. However, I kept having that nagging feeling that there was another spirit waiting to join our family, so we kept on trying. I met with the Dr. and had several tests done, and he couldn't figure out why I wasn't getting pregnant. I tried two different fertility medications and neither of them worked. We prayed about doing more invasive procedures and even adoption and I didn't feel that either of those were the route to go. A lot of fasting and praying and several blessings from Mike gave me the same answer over and over, "keep trying". Not really something I wanted to hear.
This past December was particularly difficult for me, everything going on in my life at that time had kind of come to a head. I felt I had done all the Lord had asked of me and I had no more strength to deal with it all anymore. I decided to kneel down in prayer and ask for help. I gave one of the most heartfelt prayers I've ever had, and basically told the Lord that I've done all I can do, and I was turning it over to him now. We needed a miracle and I knew it would happen if it was His will. After my prayer I felt impressed to open my scriptures. I stared to read, and on the third verse I read the answer to my prayer. Here I am 34 years old and this is the first time I've found an answer to my prayer through the scriptures! (mainly because I haven't ever looked before) I knew that Heavenly Father would grant me the miracle I had asked for, and two months later, He did.
Why do I share this story? A couple of days ago Mike and I were discussing a talk given by Elder Bednar about sharing and living your testimony. And it got me thinking, I definately live my testimony, but I don't often share it. So I thought I would share it with my family and friends. This whole experience has taught me about the power of prayer and the scriptures. Reading the scriptures has never been very easy for me. I don't like to read very much and I've always looked at reading the scriptures as a chore. About 6 months before this prayer, I started making personal scripture study a priority. We've always done it with the kids, but I was always sparatic when it came to doing it by myself. Had I not been keeping up on my daily reading, I wouldn't have been at the place where I would have found the particular scripture that answered my prayer. I do know that our prayers are answered, we just need to be patient and realize that Heavenly Father is in control. I've come to find out that the biggest spiritual growth, for me, is when I go through trials.
That being said........this has been the hardest pregnancy! This is the sickest I've ever been and all I keep thinking............"I worked for 3 years for this!" What can I say, I'm only human. :)