In the Georgia school system they allow three "snow days" throughout the year. And if they never have to use them, then they place the days off where they can in the Spring. Last friday was one of those days. It wasn't super warm, but it was nice and sunny, so we thought it would be fun to do a little hike. Where do you hike in a place the really doesn't have any "mountains" per say? We live really close to a preserve area called Sawnee Mountain. By georgians standards it's a mountain, but Utahns standards, its a hill.
The hike is about 2 miles long and fairly easy. However, it was the first day that Hailey was really feeling like herself after a long bout with the stomach flu, so she pretty much complained the entire way that she was tired and wanted me to carry her. But I made her walk, and when we got to the bottom I told her how proud I was that she did it all by herself, and she realized that she had, and was quite proud of herself. Now all she talks about is "remember when I walked all that way by myself!"