Growing up, I never experienced having a birthday party of my own. So, I've always felt it a hassle to plan and host one for our kids. Last year Braxton kept talking about a party he wanted to have at the local bowling alley, and we even agreed to it. But after a year of waiting for it to happen I think he gave up. But this year, Mike finally broke me down and we had Braxton's birthday party lastnight at Chuck-E-Cheese. He had 15 kids show up, plus some siblings and parents and had a great time. Although, when we got home lastnight Mike wasn't feeling so hot and ended up in the bathroom most of the night. Apparently the yummy pizza didn't sit to well with him. Glad I didn't eat very much.
Left, Haileys future babysitter, Rachel and on the right is Hailey's best buddy, Gabby
Everyone kind of starring at Chuck doing his little dance thinking, "what an idiot."